On 23 October 2019, Dr. Chen had delivered a talk entitled 'Life As Undergraduate' at the Lecture Hall, CTF1 from 2 pm to 3 pm. Some important points being highlighted during the talk.
While, as a student being stress is something that we have to face in degree life. At the beginning of the talk, we are introduced to the definition of stress. Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. Pressure turns stress when you feel unable to cope and unmotivated. There are a few situations that might make us feel stressed such as adjustment to a new environment, preparing for exams, being teased at school, arguing with friends and financial difficulty. Stress could affect the student's body such as headaches and feel tired and our behavior as well such as pulling hair and nail-biting.
Besides Dr.Chen had mentioned to us about good mental health examples are good self-esteem, manage emotions, open to change and able to function. In contrast to bad mental health, one of the examples given is anxiety which causes worries and restlessness and difficult to focus on. After that, Dr. explained about insomnia. Insomnia was the difficulty to sleep. Other than that is Self-harming behavior is when someone deliberately hurts or mutilates their body without meaning to die and provided a temporary release for whatever emotional or psychological problem the person may be experiencing. Last but not least is suicide. Suicide is a desperate attempt to escape suffering that had become unbearable. It blinded by feeling of self-loathing, hopelessness and isolation, a suicidal person can't see any way of finding relief except through death. Based on the research, depression is 2nd leading cause of disease by 2020 worldwide (WHO) and about 4.2 million Malaysians have health problems.
Before the end of the talk, Dr.Chen gives us a suggestion on where to get helped if needed. In UNIMAS for collage, resident students can refer to the Collage Principle, Fellow, Administrative Staff or Student Representatives (JPK) if need helps. For faculty, the student can meet their respective academic advisor, deputy dean of undergraduates and deputy dean of student affairs and alumni. It is highly recommended for the student to seek counselors at Unit Kaunseling dan Kebajikan Pelajar (UNIK), BHEPA.
The talk was very important for all of us as a student to get to know about mental health.
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